Welcome to Dynamics VR where you can explore a variety of solutions designed to enhance your patients' experience.

On this page we present all the therapeutic applications that we have today but remember, Dynamics VR is a software in continuous evolution, so within your price we include the updates of our Apps.

Our products

Patient Experience

Improved patient experience and generation of hypoalgesia during painful treatments.

Dynamics VR Pain

Automated 25-30 minute sessions for musculoskeletal pain processes. Sessions are customizable through the WebApp.

Dynamics VR Neuro

Automated 25-30 minute sessions for neurological rehabilitation. Sessions are customizable through the WebApp.

Dynamics VR Active

Therapeutic applications configurable by therapeutic objectives in order to be used during sessions with the therapist.

Improving motor skills through Virtual Reality

Dynamics VR is the first platform that provides neuromotor rehabilitation programs based on automated, self-directed and measurable sessions.