Skill enhancement
Neuromotor skills through Virtual Reality
Dynamics VR is the first virtual reality platform that provides pathology-specific therapeutic applications, adaptable to the patient's profile and condition.
We offer solutions for
Chronic pain
Brain damage

Chronic musculoskeletal pain
- Patients with primary chronic pain: lumbar, cervical, shoulder, fibromyalgia, arthritis, arthrosis...
- Secondary chronic pain patients: post-surgical...

- Motor alterations: patients with stroke, MS, Parkinson's disease, among others.
- Neurocognitive alterations: decision making, reaction.
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi.
Sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.
We work every day to improve people's lives.
What is the evidence?
What is the evidence?
What is the evidence?
It reduces the psycho-social factors that have been implicated in the persistence of pain.
What is the evidence?
Benefits of using VR: improved adherence, improved session enjoyment, improved user experience, improved patient well-being (mood).
What is the evidence?
Join the revolution
We started in 2021 with a clear idea in mind: to change the concept of rehabilitation for both healthcare professionals and their patients.
We know there is a long way to go, but we are enjoying every step of the way.
(Data updated as of June 2023)

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Most recent entries
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Virtual Reality aids in patient rehabilitation
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We solve your doubts
The VR goggles we are currently working with have a battery life of approximately 3 h. However, exposure time per patient is not recommended to exceed 30 mins.
We make it easy for you! We include the VR glasses directly in the subscription.
However, you can ask us which models our software is compatible with and purchase the device on your own.
No. You can use Dynamics wherever and whenever you want. The glasses are completely wireless and do not require any additional tools. However, they can be connected to mobile devices via bluetooth connection if you want to broadcast what the patient is seeing.
We work to access the software in as few clicks as possible, so that in less than 2 minutes, the patient can start rehabilitating.
Our software is designed specifically for each pathology, allowing you to make adjustments to further customize the experience. While with commercial games you are the one who adapts to their conditions, with Dynamics VR software, it is the software that adapts to you and your needs. In addition, as you can see in the "scientific research" section, it has been shown that specifically designed software, with education in neuroscience pain from a biopsychosocial perspective, relaxation exercises, as well as "games" specifically designed for the specific pathology, show up twice the benefit compared to non-specific software.
Thanks to the Oculus application that you can install on your mobile or tablet, you will be able to link the VR glasses to the application and see what your patient sees. All that is required is that both the glasses and the mobile/tablet are connected to the same Wifi network.
There is no problem, in fact, Dynamics is very well received by this type of patients. It is particularly important to make a prior assessment of their general condition (dizziness, fatigue, standing stability, cognitive status...) and a gradual exposure.
It is a safe intervention, which does not increase morbidity or mortality. The exercises are designed so that the patient can perform them autonomously (under the supervision and discretion of the therapist).
Dynamics only excludes patient profiles for which the use of VR is contraindicated.